Architect, Photographer, and Puzzler

Thanks to Alan Karchmer’s eye, you can enjoy the power of architecture from the safety of home

Of all the tools used on a construction site, you don’t often see a jigsaw. But now, in a time when we’re all exhausted with the same small spaces, there’s a new way to interact with thrilling architecture around the world. Photographer Alan Karchmer’s work is the subject of a new puzzle available from the National Building Museum, in conjunction with the exhibition Alan Karchmer: The Architects’ Photographer. We are some of the architects who’ve benefited from his artistic eye, and we’re honored that the Lambright Sports and Wellness Center, our joint venture with Ashe Broussard Weinzettle at Louisiana Tech University, is prominently featured on the grid.

The scope of the award-winning project, completed in 2013, included existing facility renovation and an extensive addition include a 25 meter indoor warming pool and NCAA competitive diving pool with platforms; a new health and wellness center with space for exam rooms, counseling, and a classroom; a 29-foot tall by 50-foot wide rock climbing wall; and a featured 50 meter student life recreation pool with cabana, sunbathing decks, and misting machines.

We love the translation from our designs, to a full-fledged building, to a dizzingly reflective photograph, to a puzzle you can enjoy at home. The puzzler has to employ his own skills, seeking patterns and small variations within those patterns, to interlock compatible pieces and bring the Lambright building back to a life that’s hardly two-dimensional thanks to the artistry of Karchmer.

The puzzle retails for $19.99 and is available here. Read more about the Lambright Sports and Wellness Center here.

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Architecture Planning Interiors

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