FIXUP! Mid City Neighborhood Challenge!

Tipton Associates is the proud sponsor of this neighborhood Fixup competition

A proud supporter of Mid City, we are thrilled to have sponsored this event held by Mid City Redevelopment Alliance. On Saturday April 20th, three houses were improved by volunteer teams of residents motivated to come together and assist their low-income, elderly and disabled neighbors by repairing and repainting their homes.

The FIXUP! Mid City Neighborhood Challenge is a competition between neighborhoods in the Mid City region of Baton Rouge where each neighborhood’s residents will participate in a grass roots campaign to improve the property of one worthy homeowner in their own neighborhood. All projects and volunteer participation will be organized by the neighborhood groups and projects will be completed with materials and supplies provided by Mid City Redevelopment Alliance. Three neighborhoods competed for the best FIXUP! project: Ogden Park, Poets & Philosophers, and the Garden District. Challenge projects were judged on: curb appeal, impact, creativity and resourcefulness, and neighborhood resident participation.

FIXUP! Mid City is the largest all-volunteer housing repair initiative in Baton Rouge. Since 1993, over 250 homes, 6 schools and 7 non-profit agencies have been repaired by more than 12,000 corporate and community volunteers through the FIXUP! program. FIXUP! helps build a vi- tal sense of community while bringing diverse groups of volunteers into Mid City neighborhoods.

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